Photo Blog 2024

Introspective Moments in Photos and Poesy

All photos and texts created by Vanessa Vox


Marvelous hues alight,

As spring's dark clouds draw near, trees gleam bright

"Leave now," roars the sky's might,

On winds' wings, I take flight.

2024-05-03, "Approaching Storm"

The oak’s majestic trunk ascends,
Like a graceful wave to heaven,
Amidst the tranquil wood,
Where dreams and earth entwine.
2024-04-27, "Heavenward Oak"

 You seem to move, you seem to speak
Within the city’s embrace, you spark to life
A constant presence in perpetual rebirth
Frozen moment in silent struggle
Pierre de Wissant, part of the sculptural group
"The Burghers of Calais" by Rodin, Basel

Each blade of grass yearning to bloom,

The green sweeps swiftly across the land,

Dandelions lift their sunny faces skyward,

A meadow alive with insect hums.

2024-04-14,  "April’s Verdant Song"

A warm cup of espresso on a table in the sun.
A moment of peace and reflection.
A reminder of the journey I have begun.
A reward for the challenges I have overcome.
2024-04-11,  "Cup of Espresso"

 What stirs the soul at spring's first light, when downy leaves in sun's caress,

Gleam and dance with such finesse, trembling in the gentlest breeze?

Is there a sight that can more please,  than the hint of life's relentless press,

In buds so small, yet full of might, in leaves of vibrant, youthful green?

2024-04-09, The Vibrant Pulse of Early Spring
2024-04-09, The Vibrant Pulse of Early Spring

Where inside blends with out, and walls don the sky's fray,

The past's gentle breath stirs, under the watchful day.

In this romance of senses, to touch, scent, and see,

I wander and revel in nature's wild scenery.

2024-04-05, Dorneck Schloss (CH)

Atop the mast, a stork stands tall,
In its nest, a sentinel over all.
Once nearly vanished, yet oh so fair,
As one reborn, your presence fills the air.
2024-03-28, Parc de l'Eiblen

 In rainbow hues, two arcs unite,
Above the sun, a splendid sight
I've never seen before
A special halo bright and clear
2024-03-25, Halo

 Here, in the symphony of birdsong, as day yields gently to the night,
Lies our existence's truth, in twilight's fleeting, soft light.
In this serene moment of reflection, where time pauses to sigh,
The tender promise of early spring whispers that life is nigh.
2024-03-23, Parc de l'Eiblen

 Tranquil lake, a serene mirror,
Reflects spring's tender hue,
Willow’s gentle veil descends in grace,
Nature whispers renewal.
2024-03-18, Parc de l'Eiblen

City's heartbeats pulse beneath my feet,
Surprises bloom where culture and nature meet.
Something fascinating, at every turn,
Experience space, where dreams are born and burn.
2024-03-14, Basel

 Two swans glide beside me, calm and busy
This hour is a canvas of beauty,
Brushstrokes of joy and sorrow intertwine.
I feel it all—the tears of happiness and suffering,
As if an inner lake of eternal peace resides within.
2024-03-06, Lac de Gerteis

You are a little plant in the lake, beyond my reach,
But my shadow can touch you in the evening light
2024-03-04, Lac de Gerteis

A whisper loud, yet none awake,
Stirred me from dreams before daybreak.
In the silence, my name did resound,
Clear and close, as if someone were around.
2024-03-01, "The Call"

Birds and ducks announce the spring
The willow weeps with joy
I join the dance of everything
That breathes and moves and toys
I feel the magic of rebirth
That sparks my inner glee
I am connected to the source of life's eternal spree
2024-02-26, Parc de l'Eiblen

As the weeping willows softly adorn themselves with green
You still extend your twisted, long-reaching limbs
To the heavens, embrassing the air, caressing the breeze
I marvel at your regal stance, my quiet companion, I cherish your presence
2024-02-24, Oak at the edge of a field

Through the gaps of twigs and trunks,
The clouds on the lake's face, grey from near to far,
Sky and water mirror each other to create a world without end,
Where I long to flee, to breathe, to be.
2024-02-20, Lac de Gerteis

Mulhouse, it's raining
The streets are wet and shining
In the heart of the city
There is still warmth and beauty

  The children stand by the shore
Their silhouettes dark against the light
They watch the water ripple and shine
A moment of wonder and delight
2024-02-01, Lac de Gerteis

All images displayed on this and related sites are copyrighted

Vanessa Vox, Mobile Film & Photography 0